Our mission at Home Horizon is to transform the lives of youth at risk of homelessness by providing them with the opportunity to rebuild their lives and achieve their full potential. These youth are in the process of transitioning into adulthood, and due to challenging circumstances, may not yet have acquired the health, personal, social, and life skills that make independent living possible. We offer programming such as Essential Life Skills which includes access to counselling and programs to help these youth successfully rebuild their lives and transition to independent living and adulthood. Our support programs help them learn life skills, create positive relationships with peers and adults, and re-engage with school, employment training, and/or employment. 

Home Horizon exists so that youth at risk of homelessness in South Georgian Bay area can live productive lives in a supportive and accepting community. 

Home Horizon launched a new outreach program in July 2020 —the program is called Your SAFE (A Specialized Approached for Everyone). The Your SAFE outreach program began as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic—it targets both the visibly homeless (those living in shelters and on the streets) as well as those who are couch-surfing, sleeping rough or living in unsafe situations with their families. We work with youth facing complex and challenging barriers including poverty, mental health and addictions, sex trafficking, racism, trauma and conflictual home lives. Since last July, we have served 67 youth, with over 580 services interactions (referrals, goal setting, workshops, etc.). Through our outreach services we supply important items such as: tents, sleeping bags, food, hygiene products, grocery gift cards, masks and sanitizers, jackets, hand warmers, clothes, and much more. The program also provides support and advocacy for mental health, physical health (new family doctor), legal matters, financial aid, rental/tenant advocacy as well as referrals to other housing agencies. The program has been an incredible success to date. It helps one of our most vulnerable populations to avoid falling through the cracks, providing every individual who comes in contact with our outreach worker, the chance to feel safe and heard. 

The Coldest Night of the Year (CONY) fundraising event is a moment each year when tens of thousands of Canadians across our country step outside the warmth and comfort of home to shine a light of welcome and compassion in their communities. Traditionally, our community gathers and embarks on a 2km or 5km walk followed by an après-walk celebration. This is a national fundraiser that raises money and awareness for the hungry, homeless and hurting and locally this walk supports Home Horizon. 

For more information about Home Horizon please visit homehorizon.ca or contact Deb Piggott, Fund Development Manager for Home Horizon at 705-888-3636 or debpiggott@homehorizon.ca 

E V E N T  D E T A I L S 

DATE: Saturday, February 26, 2022. 

WHERE: Trinity United Church, Collingwood, ON 

WHAT: Participants register to walk 2km or 5km, whether at an in-person event, or virtually with their team. 

WHO: Everyone is welcome! CNOY is family-friendly—participants range in age 

from toddlers (with parents of course) to active seniors. 

HOW: Participants register online at cnoy.org/register to set up their personal “Fundhub” page. It’s easy to set your goal, add your photo message and thank donors via email. Donors who give online are receipted within minutes of their secure gift of $20 or more. There is no registration fee, CNOY is free to join! Everyone is welcome to come and fundraise for Home Horizon. 

IMPACT: By walking in the cold, you’ll feel a hint of the challenge faced by those experiencing homelessness during winter. By fundraising, you’ll be contributing much-needed money to Home Horizon, serving the Georgian Triangle area and bringing hope and help to people in our community who need support.