Category: Arts

Gill Cameron – Nature’s Palette

Intrigued by shapes, design, and how they relate to each other in their natural habitat, Gill Cameron’s watercolour paintings begin their process as pleasing shapes. These shapes then morph into dynamic landscape compositions filled with bold colour and elemental imagery.
By Deena Dolan

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Kaz Jones – Hulls, History & Brushstrokes

Collingwood artist Kaz Jones honours our shipbuilding legacy, transforming storied vessels of the Great Lakes through her canvas into a captivating blend of history and personal exploration.
By Kate MacLennan

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Cultural Canvas

From theatre to music, dance, and everything in between, we’ve crafted a list of marquee productions and festivals lighting up the Escarpment this winter! Get ready for a season packed with sensational performances and unforgettable moments. 

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Tom Thomson – Take Everything As It Comes

Among Canada’s artistic luminaries, Tom Thomson stands unparalleled. His extraordinary talent, profound bond with nature, and distinctive artistic approach, has left an enduring imprint on Canadian art, inspiring generations of artists.
Words by Aidan Ware, Director and Chief Curator, Tom Thomson Art Gallery.

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James Simon Mishibinijima – Legends of Creation

James Simon Mishibinijima’s artwork weaves a rich array of deep themes stemming from an authentic Anishinaabe perspective—a treasury of wisdom that imparts sacred teachings distilled over countless ages.

Words by Deena Dolan

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