Category: Wellness

Benefits of Nature

When we think of getting out into nature, what often comes to mind is moving our bodies–how often do you envision being still? There is growing evidence regarding the benefits to both physical and mental health of going outside and… simply being.
By Dr. Shelby Worts, BSc, ND

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Anxiety: It may be impacting your health more thank you think.
By Dr. Shelby Worts, BSc, ND 

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Get Lost (for a while)

If you’re feeling cooped up and looking for a simple way to help reduce stress, anxiety, depression and even improve your memory – take a hike!

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Forward Thinking

Everyone seems to be talking about posture. Text Neck, standing desks, vibrating wearables and apps that remind you to keep moving. Is good posture just on-trend, or do we need to sit up and take notice?

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Prebiotocs — Eat your way to better mood & motivation

You have likely already heard of probiotics; they are often referred to as “good bacteria,” “gut flora,” or “microbiota.” They are the bacteria that live in your gut and have received a lot of at- tention for how they help your digestion, immune function, drug metabolism, and more recently your mood.

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