Category: Slider

Strawberry Fields Forever

The wild child of the berry patch, strawberries have captivated hearts and palates for centuries with their rich history, sensual symbolism, and delectable taste, making them a timeless favourite in gardens, kitchens, and folklore alike.
By Marcia Masino

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Georgian Bay Cycling – Electric Avenue

For those of us simply looking for a way to get around town safely, comfortably, and quickly, electric bikes make the sport more accessible, exhilarating, and fun. From avid cyclists to everyday commuters, more cyclists are embracing this e-volution.
By Robin Todd, photography by Jody Wilson

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Hiking Blue Mountain – The Scenic Route

While hiking at Blue Mountain Resort, trekkers can expect to hike through ancient limestone cliffs, past fossilized marine life, and alongside stunning waterfalls, all while enjoying breathtaking views.
By Cara Williams, photography by Clay Dolan

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