ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Fall 2015 - page 26

Beginning inSeptember, andcontinuing for
six toeightweeks,AmericanGoldfinches
molt all of their feathers, endingupwitha
completelynewandpristine set of feathers
(subduedcolours)as theyhead into the
winter. Theycanbe foundat feedersany time
of year, butmost abundantlyduringwinter.
The species isoneof the strictest vegetarians in
thebirdworldandwill eat at bird feeders
providedbyhumans, preferringNyger seed.
Cardinalsare fairly social and join in
flocks thatmayeven includebirdsof other
species. They readilycome tobird feeders,
and sunflower seedsarea favourite.
Cardinal nests (built by the female)areusuallywell hidden
indense shrubs, vines, or low trees, placed3-10' aboveground.
The nest is an open cup shape, made of twigs, weeds, grass, bark strips,
leaves, rootletsand is linedwith finegrassor hair.
Thewinter birds have come back again,
Here the sprightlyChickadee
Gone now is theWillowWren
In passing greet each other as if old, old friends
And to the voiceless trees
It is their own theywill lend.
~RayLamontagne, “Winter Birds”
Thenasal callsof theWhite-breastedNuthatchare typical and familiar sounds
oncrispwintermornings indeciduouswoodsovermuchofNorthAmerica.
Theyare readilyattracted tobird feeders for sunflower seedsor
suet andmay spendmuchof the time industriouslycarrying seeds
away tohide them inbarkcrevices. Their nest site isoftena largenatural
cavityoroldwoodpeckerhole,usually15-60'abovegroundand isconstructed
by the femaleasa simplecupusingbark fibers, grasses, twigs, hair.
Adultsmay spendminutesat a time sweeping theoutsideand inside
of thenestwithacrushed insect held in theirbill—chemical secretions
of insectsmayhelp repel predators.Also, theNuthatch sometimesadds
mud to the rimof thenestentrance.Pairs remain together in theirnesting territory
all yearandmaymate for life.Courtshipbehaviorbeginsby latewinter.
Duringcourtshipdisplay, themale raiseshishead, spreadshis tail,
droopshiswingsand swaysbackand forth,whilebowingdeeply.
Quiteentertaining toobserve,malesalsoperformcourtship
feedingof the female.
the ones who remain
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