ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Winter 2016 - page 56

Howgreat is it,
veloped eyeglasses for thosepeople
withmild formsofcolourblindness?Es-
peciallywithall thecolourpoppingup
in today’shome furnishings - at least in
the showrooms at the
High Point Furniture
Market this pastOcto-
ber. The ‘market’ —as
insiders refer to it, is
the world’s largest,
with12million square
feetof show rooms fea-
turing thousands of
suppliers from a hun-
dred countries in 180
Cobaltblue lacquered furniture,bright
Hermesorangeandprettypinks, teals
and acid green on fabrics, rugs and
décorpieces—all servedupwithbase
naturals like twine,driftwoodandmore
than fifty shadesof grey.
I do have a beef with the experts at
Benjamin Moore – ‘Simply White –
OC117’ isnot technicallycolourof the
year because it isn’t a colour - al-
though it is anicewhite. Robert Allen
Fabric has declared ‘Batik Blue’ as
their trending fav and Panetone has
proclaimed 'Serenity' - a soft blueand
'Rose Quartz' - a soft pink - as their
colours for2016. Thosewhoenjoyall
things a laRalph Laurenwill note that
hehasabookof fabric launching that
incorporatesall his favouritegrey fab-
rics - just tobalance thingsout.
One of Ralph’s current collections is
blue—in factprettymucha ‘batikblue’.
Pleasenote the furniture issimple, rustic
and fairly light,almost unfinished,drift-
wood in colour. His other
collection isPenthouseSuite
–andno-onedoes this look
better than the master of
lifestyle himself. Luxe was
certainly present at High
Point with beautiful inlaid
furniture, cut crystal de-
canters on bar carts, mar-
quetry, coffee table books,
tufted velvet, oh so Ralph,
soupper crust.
Interestingand funat High Point were
legs– table legs tobeprecise–curvy,
sexy legs in variousmaterials –metal,
turned wood, resins and plastic and
there was much mixing of materials.
We loved the funky turned wooden
legs teamedwith a concrete toppre-
sentedbySunpanon their Louis table
And Iguess there is theword ‘fur’ in fur-
niture. Faux and real; toss cushions,
throws, littlebencheswith twiggy legs
and fluffy angora fur on the seats –
modernor rustic–oldworldor thenew
– the furwas flying.
It was décor bydecade –1930’s art
deco; 60’s Mad Men, Sputnik and
Beatles; 60’s; 70’s; 80’s and every-
where and everything had layers of
Story | Sharon Allan
Ralph Lauren— Penthouse Suite
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