ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Fall 2014 - page 118

Following lastwinter’s icygripwhich resulted inveryweak1st quarterMLS
realestatesales in thearea,marketactivityhas roaredbackandweappear
destined tobe headed for another record year in terms of dollars sold for
MLS salesofGeorgianTriangleproperties.
quarter sawa reduction inMLS unit sales of 13%while
dollarvolumewasdown6%. Commencing
with the arrival of spring-like
weather in themonthof
May, market activity
turned around signifi-
cantly. Unit MLS sales
during May increased
11%. June heralded in
a sharp increase in sales
with results reflecting the
highestmonthon record for
MLS sales in theareawith$78
million in properties changing
hands. We sawa similar level of sales in Julywhen sales for themonthex-
ceeded$76million, another near recordmonth.
Whileweexperienceda somewhat cooler summer,MLS salesactivity June
throughAugust remained hot with$220millionworthof sales reported in
the threemonthperiod, an increaseof21% from the sameperiod last year.
MLSunit salesduring the three summermonthsof 682properties reflected
an11% increase compared to2013. Through the endof August 1,469
propertieshavebeen sold throughour localMLS systemyear-to-datean in-
creaseof2%over2013. MLSdollar salesyear-to-date throughAugust on
theotherhandof$468million, reflectsa10% increase from thesameperiod
last year.We continue to see an increase in the number of higher priced
properties being soldwhich continues todrive ourMLS dollar volume to
record levels.
Single familyhome saleswhile robustwith968properties soldyear-to-date
are up just 3% from last year. MLS condominium salesmeanwhilewhich
total 283 sales to theendof August are up12% year-over-year. With the
exception of Clearview Township,MLS single family homes sales in other
areamunicipalities are runningat rates equal toor greater than last year.
Year-to-date salesbymunicipality through theendofAugust areas follows:
Clearview -8%, Collingwood +11%, GreyHighlands no change,Munici-
palityMeaford+18%,BlueMountain+2%,WasagaBeach+5%. Thenum-
ber of newMLS listings comingonto themarket has continued todiminish
through2014, resulting inmorebalancedmarket conditions thatdonot un-
duly favourbuyersor sellers. Sales in the$350,000 to$500,000 January
throughAugusthave remainedveryactivewith180salesyear-to-datewhich
represents a21% increaseover 2013. During the first eight months of the
year, salesbetween$500,000and$999,999 total108propertiesversus
97 in2013, an increaseof 11%while sales over $1million now standat
19compared to17 last year.
Withanother ski/snowboard season fast approaching, thecontinuationof
low interest ratesandpositiveconsumer confidence,weanticipate thebal-
anceof2014will continue to reflect strongdemand forareaproperties.
With another ski/snowboard season fast
approaching, the continuation of low
interest rates and positive consumer
confidence, we anticipate the balance of
2014will continue to reflect strong
demand for area properties.
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