Page 14 - Escarpment Magazine - Winter 2012

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Escarpment Magaz ine Winter
Welcome to the wonderful world of skiing.
I'm writing this article for people who have not skied, or who haven't skied for many years. If you're a
long time skier, however, you might find it interesting. Most of us have helped people learn to ski and
while I always encourage people to take lessons, in reality there are many people who would rather
learn from a friend. So, if you are that friend and you want to share your passion for our great sport,
read on. There are many myths when it comes to skiing and I would love to help explode them. With
the new equipment skiing is so easy to learn that everyone should give it a try.
So for you non-skiers: if you're wondering what it feels like to ski, think of this. Imagine you are riding
down a hill with gravity doing the work and you are just coasting and enjoying the view. Now imagine
that you didn't have to peddle up the hill! That's why skiing is so much fun -- we have ski lifts! Learning
to ski is like learning to ride a bike, first you have to learn to balance on it and to steer, and certainly
you would never ride down a hill if there were no brakes. Those are the same skills you need for skiing,
especially how to slow down and stay in control.