Winter 2013
Escarpment Magazine
World Cup
TheWorld Cup is organized and operated under a partnership arrange-
ment betweenWorld Snowsports EventsGroup (a not-for-profit event man-
agement company), BlueMountain Resorts and Canada Snowboard. A
primary objective for hosting theWorldCup is to create sport development
and legacy opportunities. One of the major funding partners of the event
is the Ontario Trillium Foundation whose grant includes funds directed
specifically towards a three-day intensive Snowboardcross Development
Camp that will take place right after theWorld Cup.
More than 100 development-level snowboardcross racers from across
the country are invited to the talent training campwhere theywill have the
opportunity to ride with the best coaches in the country, and with their he-
roes from theCanadianNational Team, likeVancouver 2010goldmedal-
ist Maelle Ricker from Squamish, B.C., 2012 FIS Crystal Globe winner
Dominique Maltais from Petite-Rivières, Que., and, Caledon, Ontario’s
Jake Holden who will spend a day on the slopes with the youngsters.
But on-snow training is just one aspect of the camp. Canada Snowboard
Sport Development Director Dustin Heise is also bringing in several inte-
grated support team experts; like strength and conditioning coaches, nu-
tritionists and sports psychologists, to work with the young athletes. And
he’s encouraging their parents to attend these sessions too.
“Wewant to expose these kids to all the pieces that need to come together
to create champions,” saidHeise. “Andwewant to bring their parents into
the process too, so they know what to expect as their children move
through our system towards the National Team.”
For more information about the Blue Mountain Snowboardcross Development Camp,
contact Dustin Heise at:
For more information about the FIS Snowboardcross World Cup,
contact Chris Robinson at:
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