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Escarpment Magaz ine
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One of the primary goals is to reduce inflammation as quickly as possible.
Inflammation is a natural process and has a functional role to play, but
when excessive it can contribute to a great deal of the pain after surgery,
and the associated swelling can limit your healing time as it impairs the
mobility of the affected area.
Of equal importance is to reduce nerve pain and provide abundant co-
factors (nutrients) essential for tissue healing.
What treatments may a naturopathic doctor recommend?
Symptom-specific remedies* according to how you are feeling and the
type of surgery you are to receive.
Intravenous therapy providing plentiful nutrients crucial for tissue heal-
ing and recovery (Eg. glutathione, taurine, ascorbic acid.)
Dietary recommendations to support healing and reduce inflammation.
*Remedies are selected to not interfere with your current medications or
surgical anaesthetics.
Here is an at-home treatment* that is effective for reducing swelling; the
use of alternating hot & cold water, also known as contrast hydrotherapy.
You will need: 2 buckets or large bowls; fill 1 with comfortably-hot water;
fill the other with cold; full enough to completely immerse the swollen part
of your body (Eg. ankle.)
Technique: immerse the affected body part in the hot water for 3minutes,
then switch to the coldwater for 1minute… repeat 3 times, endingwith cold.
*This treatment should not be done over areas meant to stay dry, bleeding
wounds, or body areas that are markedly warmer than the rest of you.
Examples of some surgeries that can benefit from naturopathic medicine
joint replacement
rotator cuff repair
tumour removal
cosmetic / face-lift
breast augmentation
fracture setting
heart / cardiac
Naturopathic doctors (ND) have great results with optimal recovery from
surgery. For a personalized assessment and treatment protocol, consult
your licensed ND as soon as you know that surgery is approaching.
Upcoming Surgery?
Improve your recovery time with Naturopathic Medicine.
naturopathic care
Even healthy, active people can have the temporary set-back of surgery.
Whether emergency, essential or elective, you can reduce both your pain and
your recovery time with appropriate naturopathic treatments.